Great day yesterday.
A few days ago Siggy and I were discussing some of our youthful transgressions at sporting events. Ah, to be young and dumb. Yes, it is true, I have been both kicked out of a sporting event and also refused admission to a sporting event in the past. To be fair to me, both incidents occurred at the Rogers Centre, which in the 2000's and early 2010's was notorious for very tight and intolerant security.
The first incident occurred at a Blue Jays game when I purchased alcohol for my ex wife (I was late 20s, she was mid 20s) after they refused to serve her because she didn't have ID. I could have just gone to a different vendor but I was young and arrogant. They kicked us both out in front of our friends and I made quite a scene. Fast forward a couple years and the second incident occurred prior to a Blue Jays game, I had had a liquid lunch business meeting earlier in the day and was bored before the game so went to a bar near the stadium to indulge a little more. I decided to make "new friends" outside of the stadium while waiting to meet a buddy before the game and was told by a security guard I couldn't enter because I was being "loud and obnoxious". Again, being young and arrogant and quite frankly drunk (so glad I don't drink anymore) I decided to argue with the security guard instead of just walking to another gate to enter the stadium. Needless to say a nearby police officer was unimpressed with my berating of the security guard and told me "go home, you aren't going to the game tonight".
I know Bitcoiners can have a tendency towards, let's say, disagreeability, so I am guessing Siggy and I aren't the only one's to get in some hot water at a sporting event. So shill me your stories of sporting event infamy.
Sats for all.
Cheers, GR
I can’t give too much detail as I wasn’t really there… your honour.
I have no idea how anyone would break into the opposing teams changing room past security and via a fire exit nor what sort of person would fly their uniforms from the flag poles with no obvious means of getting them up there. Genuine mystery. But they went on to win the game in their dirty practice kit so at least their victory photos look rubbish.
Hahahaha I love this...totally fictional... Non incriminating story.
Haha. That’s a great story. Tough to lose after going to all that trouble though.
Worth it…. Lol