Great writeup!
I would recommend just start with a simple wallet and accept lightning payments.
Now I’m also starting eith umbrel and lnbits on top. It was not difficult.
I think lnbits is like the wordpress with a lot of plugins.
A small business can do a lot with lnbit.
If they are technical they can have their own node. But if they want to ousource it they could have somebody running their node inhouse for them.
Would you also consider advicing them that?
Have your own node but letting somebody else running it for you? Backups, technical difficulties?
I see that running your own lightning node is not for everybody. I posted something about this and I got a lot of feedback.
Running your own node and managing liquidity is a profession. A business. Most small businesses cannot do this full time.
Woould you also consider how many employees? Small businesses with 5 employees is lexx complex than a business with 100 employees.
It aslo depends if the business has a service like an online business or a physical business.
A consultant with an online business with a wordpress site is maybe simpler than a restaurant.
Lnbits seems to have many options.