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That's it. Simple as that. Stacker News remember me Yahoo Answers (Gold age).
  • We can make any subject question. People love to answer.
  • This website have a good SEO (search engine optimization). Looking to find an answer in search providers to another SN friend post , My answer was exactly in another SN post found by search providers.
But There is More in Stacker News
  • Stacker News has ZAP payments
  • You can get a cowboy hat here
  • Open speach (you can talk about everything here - people will filter it naturally with/without engagement)
I made this post to thank you all, the page and the people around here. I'm happy! /o/
Yeah, Stacker News definitely has the upper hand compare to other platforms. Now if they can mail the cowboy hat that be awesome too, something like what Youtube and Rumble mails their rewards to streamers.