I don't think VC funding makes anyone good or bad, I mean who is paying for a lot of the tech, is fedi not VC funded, is LN instances not VC funded?
VCs aren't exactly idealistic they just looking to get in create a shell and sell it on to another VC. Personally from what im reading and hearing even if drivechains go ahead, what moat does it have? Who is going to jump on using it? What wallets are going to support it?
I mean look at liquid and ordinals, pretty niche right? I see drivechains the same way, people are so focused on what it can do, but is their a market for it? Are people really dying for a zcash-like side chain and it's going to see billions of transactions flocking into it?
I doubt it, most people dont even know about LN, FFS and thats like the premier push with so much wallet, merchant and app intergration
The point is not whether or not the company is VC funded. In fact, he says it isn't.
The point is, why is Paul Sztorc so uncomfortable when asked?
His answer is that the money came from bitcoiners with deep pockets.
So, were those bitcoiners Roger Ver and his people? Are drivechains an attack by the Big Blockers of yore?
I know I'm inferring too much, but look at his face. And his attitude. At the very least he's hiding something nefarious.