Extra no0.0%
How dare you9.1%
Who are you9.1%
Where am I13.6%
Blue. No—YELLOOOW18.2%
22 votes \ poll ended
but it would also mean @k00b has to implement substackz hiding
I don't even know what that means, perchance
I usually consume the global feed in order of recent posts. If we have substackz that I don't want to see, I would like to hide them so I can declutter my main feed.
Where is blatant yes??????
Fuck i knew i forgot something
You have been brought to the light. Sin no more.
Hey if I'm sinning im winning, thats what my pastor always tells me! Though I guess he's more of a figment of my imagination than a real pastor
You have got a great sinning gospel in your hands. You have been bestowed the responsibility of bringing other people into the fold of sinning. Go ye into the world and make sinners. Go oooooooooooooh!
meme tab soft fork activate
I'd love to see a sub on natural health - this might be one of the most important topics to explore as a human.
It seems as if ~meta already serves that purpose
Meta should suffice really.
But i can't post dinosaur memes on meta. @sn specifically told me they will assassinate my mother if I do that. They implied it
Even if they imply it believe it. Call FBI to protect your mother before you post your memes. 😂
depends, is it a free for all, or can it be something that falls into one of:
"of a certain amount of categories" ?
because that would be interesting. a multi-homed meta overflow. but, limited to things that aren't going to make the site awful. Like, please do not ever try to make this like reddit. :D
I was thinking a "random" sub. But whats wrong with reddit? Honestly asking
for me? reddit is not something I enjoy. Keep in mind this is just my opinion. But why is that?
-I've never seen more closed minded people on reddit, with more conflated egos.
-On rare occasion, something will come up in search, and it's actually a useful discussion on reddit, about something linux'ey. (The number of times this has occurred can be counted on fingers and toes, though.)
-being a humble chap, run away ego is something I tend to avoid like the plague, as it usually goes along with rampant entitlement, personality issues, and poisoned conversations. Kind of like how the fediverse is obsessed with anime, and saying the N word. It's just that reddit appears to be a niche for certain personality types, of which I don't generally have any enjoyment from interacting with.
I remember it when I lived up in SF though, from waaay back. it was kind of alright then. This is back when digg was a thing, and, and and all that. that reddit was different.
I feel you man. I joined reddit as part of the digg exodus (in 2010), back when reddit was good. It was a completely different app, and it was incredible. I just want that back. Hate reddit these days. But there's no viable alternative.
people have largely been 'personality terraformed' by the big tech algorithms. it's reaaally hard to "undo" that. it's as much witchcraft/blackmagic as it is a sweeping behavioral change in culture and secondarily 'online society.'
imho, a new site would have to be built, and it would probably only be inhabited by old people who remember the 'before times.'
which, imho is probably why this site is fun, people are polite, they're willing to interact thoughtfully, and share opinions and information with one another.
my favorite internet network has always been IRC. therein because no matter what else seems to happen, there are always people that not only remember it, but use it on a regular basis, and don't need to be taught how to use it. simple, intuitive, and logical.