It's been a fun few months creating AI-based RPG storylines inspired by the Choose Your Own Adventure books we read as kids and there are now over 70 base storylines to choose from.
We've had some recent recommendations, so we've now added women centric storylines as well as ones where you can be an animal.
Here's to more high adventures! Game options now include: animal, viking, superhero, pulp, war, action, mystery, treasure, pirate, zombies, fantasy, scifi, robots, terminator, aliens, disaster, wuxia, xianxia, and horror. To play women centric games, use woman as your keyword.
To start a game, make a new post that tags this account and "start game".
Example: @ChooseYourFate start game
It should start within a minute or so.
You can reference any of the specific game keywords when you want to play.
Example: @ChooseYourFate start game superhero
To play, you must be writing to any of the following relays:, Damus, MutinyWallet, Relayable.
The game will timeout in 5 mins if it doesn't get a response from you.
Each game lasts on average 30 mins.