Feeling the burn from being part of a scam my brother fell for regarding a bullshit crypto exchange.
I'm not too upset at him, since he didn't know any better; moreso I'm pissed at myself for throwing lots of money down the fucking drain.
Hope other stackers have better days than I will.
I feel your pain going through something similar. Stay strong
Only silver lining here is that my motivation to find a job shot up tenfold, and I've already signed up for Bitwage so that all my paychecks once getting work will be in Bitcoin.
At least my remaining funds are secure.
Awesome good luck to you! Hopefully in this bear market you can accumulate as many sats as possible
Younger or older brother?
Younger, four years my junior. Live and learn for both of us, I guess.
Damn. As a younger brother (I'm 33 he's 40ish) i cringed at how shamed I would feel for misleading my bro due to my own.. Whatever it was. Blindness, stupidity, naivety. I'd be worried that you'd never trust me again.
The worst aspect of my experience was that by the time I knew for certain it was a scam (certain things he told me raised red flags, but didn't trigger a full refusal to continue), it had already costed me fifteen short of $300.
At that point and doing research following a bigger loss on top of that, I engaged in sunk cost action and simply told him "keep me updated on whether you can pull all that out to your Lightning wallet or not."
I was pissed; at both his falling for it, and myself being the biggest loser.