bitcoin libre is a known scam..when you send out the 'sats' it's actually a XPR token that is sent to their address.
Wasn’t trying to scam anybody! I’m not telling you to hold your Bitcoin there. But instead, earn sats and send them out. It works for me.
Yes, sometimes spin can be clanky and I had a day when my reward wasn’t sent to my balance BUT… free sats by doing 1 tap everyday. I mean, they didn’t ask you for email or something.
Except for a couple of glitches and poor design choices:
  • free sats works for me
  • I do have experience of successful withdrawal
  • friends referral thing also works for me
As I said, don’t fund every new wallet with your own bitcoins I thought this was the standard rule for any bitcoiner!
Wasn’t trying to scam anybody!✌️ Sending you positive vibes!
I didn't say you were trying to scam anyone..i could never get my sats out of bitcoin libre that i won off the wheel, it goes as BCL token on the xpr chain to some random and the same address every seems they want you to put your sats in that they take and convert then when u try and send em out what they converted ur sats to goes to their XPR wallet.