Still deep into the homeric world, discovering the role of the heroe in pre-classic times and the life of women in the bronze age, based on Homer's and Hediod's epic poems. It's lovely to dive into another cultural dimenson when reality turns into a gigantic shitshow.
Is it true that they didn't have the color "Blue"? Like, he looked at the ocean and said, "Ahh. Blood red, as always". And blue is just never mentioned ever.
Heard a theory about this, that there are so few blue things (flowers eg) in our world and we have so few receptors for them that we might not have seen them until very recently.
"But the sky??" I think if you pointed at the sky and said what color is that, they'd think you're insane because youre pointing at nothing
I remember that the color 'blue' has appeared last if You watch its ethymology. It's an undiscovered field though.