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Stacker News has been going over two years now and can boast having almost quarter of a million posts to date.
Early posts, seem to show @k00b talking to himself, shooting the breeze without any interaction or sats given.
But as more and more users register, things get interesting and ideas, information and links get thrown around.
Bringing us up to today, there's loads of interaction, loads of love and sats given - in the future we'll have an incredible amount of interaction.
It's a shame that so many good, older posts might never see the light of day again and that the poster will never get the recognition, or sats, that they deserved.
If such posts, if still relevant, were posted today on SN, with many more users, early would have gathered several thousand sats rather than a handful.
Obviously users can share the link or repost the older post but the OP wouldn't necessarily get the sats, the reposter would.
We could have a way for users to discover and share older posts and give both the OP and the finder some of the sats as a reward.
What do you guys think?
As the SN archive is getting bigger day by day it might be good idea.
We definitely want to improve upon surfacing the archive. I’m not sure how though
Could make a contest out of it
or an old western SN lore museum down below for people to click through after hitting the saloon!
That's fantastic!
A simple way would be to allow posts to be boosted retroactively.
The booster could share a percentage of any new sats with the OP.
The 'boost' could work similar to a betting stake - returned to the user if the post is popular and a threshold is met.
It occurs to me that a relatively easy implementation would be an "archives" tab, where people repost old posts and the earnings automatically get split between the new and old posters.
You seem to have hit upon the simplest solution. Maybe it'll get implemented.
Thanks. I like some of the other ideas a lot more, but in lieu of creative ideas I come equipped with simple ones.
That’s a great idea. Sharing sats between the archaeologist (finder) and relic creator (op) would be fun.
That's an awesome idea! It would be yet another way for people to find their niche in the SN ecosystem.
I'm liking your naming ideas - far better than mine.
I would want to cash in my cowboy hat for an archaeologists fedora. Reuniting old posters with their sats…
Fortune and glory kid….
From 'Go West Young Man' to 'Get Digging Indy'.
Seeing a plethora of hats here would really be fun!
Who knows, a fedora'd guy in 2123 might raise sats for our grandkids by digging up our very words...
Hey Great Grandkids! Love ya 💕
‘See kids Grandaddy Carlo was as insufferable then as he is now…. ‘
Really? And by the way; you were adopted 😂
Little did he know, telling them that last line really made their day.
I think it could be a good idea to extend the weekly recap and have a monthly, and annual best of the best articles... so you keep memory of the more intriguing ones... what happened what the search by specific date range issue?
Hola Veintiuno, I'm only aware of the email recap - is this what you'd like extended, or is it shown here on the forum (and I'm not aware of it)?
I've not subscribed to the emails long enough to know if there's an annual recap.
I guess it's down to our own workarounds sometimes.
I like intriguing posts too, bookmarking them could work - but is limited as we can't create folders. Reverting to using a browser until it gets implemented.
No idea about the github issue, other than seeing that it hasn't been closed. It certainly could help people search the ever-growing archive.
Yes correct, the weekly recap also has a post in SN, it coul be cool to create the monthly recap, the annual recap as posts, so stackers could go tho this index posts and review all the top-of-the-top historically. it will also increase visibility of old posts that sometimes get lost in the noise within.
I didn't know that.
SN (as well as Bitcoin) is still so new. It's great now, but I'm sure with SN's Devs chatting and listening to us it'll get so, so much better.
There's so much room for expansion - with all our help and ideas it'll really shine.
Hope it doesn't change too much though. I like the DIY feel.
Why not create a trophy room of posts with some special significance or historical relevance to the cultural history of SN?
I like your style.
Thanks bro! Your reply isn't quite as cool as the one I got from Darth a while back but that shouldn't vibe as a surprise (Darth is the man! Not since mircea popescu , but I'm stoked to talk to the bitman!
Don't get bitter, but I'm not that better!
(You've got me confused with someone else).
My preferred metaphor has been capital formation (I have a half-assed unpublished manifesto about this, but wrote a bit about it here) and I love how purely the ideas in this post and its comments get at a similar idea -- digging through the past, finding things that could be valuable in the present.
The chief distinction vs the archeology metaphor would seem to be that, with capital formation, you're taking things people produced before and adding new things that give them more value. Someone creates a widget, and you incorporate it into your new invention: the old has scaffolded the new. The connection between past and present is manifest.
Larry Lessig wrote a great book on "remixing" which gets at this. Eric von Hippel wrote on democratizing innovation which hits many similar points, probably closer to true capital formation.