I have some work ready for you, I just need to get it print ready. Please do remind me sometime next week. And I'll try and take a few hours to make it so.
Here is a download link to a free set of stickers. The friendly folks from Orange Pill App commissioned these from me some time ago. They just gave me permission to share the hi-res files with you so anyone who wants to can print these for themselves.
The files are 50x50cm at 300dpi in dimension, so you might want to shrink them down somewhat.
Here is a temp, wetransfer download link: https://we.tl/t-OncKcmdXDs You can also find the zip with the stickers in the Orange Pill App TG group here: https://t.me/orangepillapp/5199
Please, do give them a shout-out ;)
I may have some more stuff for you soon. Again, please do remind me in a week or two if I don't get back to you @purpurato.
Lots of these are also available as wallpaper format for your desktop. You may find those here.
Oh, I don't want any sats. Instead, I humbly request you check out my newest favorite past time, namely listening to https://radio.noderunners.org and adding music via the Jukebox Lightning Bot. Find it also on zap.stream here.
Anyone can spin up an instance of the bot. Its a great way to orange pill friends and family. For help with that. Ask around in the Noderunners Radio Telegram group..
Thank you ;)
These are great! Thanks for sharing
Thank you, you are very welcome :)
Added these to a github repo, for more permanent availability: https://github.com/artdesignbySF/opa_sticker_pack
Working on getting you a few more other designs later today.
Also a Free poster anyone may use, remix etc: #255139