Twitter Analytics results for @StackerNewsFeed Twitter account for April 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 57.4K impressions over this 30 day period
Tweets: 893 Profile visits: 7,514 Mentions: 300 New followers: 36 Engagement rate: 3.4% Link clicks: 460 Retweets without comments: 167 Likes: 267 Replies: 240
Mastodon (Fediverse) for Followers: 108 (+23 since April 1)

For March 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 39.5K impressions over this 31 day period
Tweets: 696 Profile visits: 5,178 Mentions: 208 New followers: 63 Engagement rate: 3.6% Link clicks: 600 Retweets without comments: 160 Likes: 250 Replies: 139
Mastodon (Fediverse) for Followers: 85 (+19 since March 6)

For February, 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 39.2K impressions over this 28 day period
Tweets: 604 Profile visits: 8,066 Mentions: 219 New followers: 52 Engagement rate: 3.8% Link clicks: 530 Retweets without comments: 170 Likes: 309 Replies: 95
Mastodon (Fediverse) for Followers: 66

Data for earlier months can be found on the March summary
This comment somehow got posted twice. Didn't notice that it happened until now.
There are 20 seconds between them. Could it be human error?
This has been happening on two different devices, but using the same flakey wi-fi with both. I've seen my submissions be duplicated on SN for Posts and for comment replies as well.
Like right now, when I press the reply, it might toggle to disabled while it submits, and that might stay that way for like 10 seconds or maybe longer. SN is not the only site / service where this type of extended pause for a response will happen, but I've not seen the a duplicate submit occurs with other sites I might use. I can confirm my wi-fi frequently has latency issues, including times when I'll see like up to 6 second response times for ping (!), for extended durations -- 30 seconds or 45 seconds maybe, then things just resume at normal speed. Whether that's due to broadband connectivity, or maybe RF interference, or whatever, I have no idea -- and it's not my access point so I can't do much further troubleshooting. But I know I'm not alone in continued use of a wi-fi connection even when it frequently is flakey.
There was a fix to Issue #94 mentioned in SN's github repo, but that doesn't seem to have been implement for comment replies (as same rule could apply, no duplicate comment reply, from the same user at the same comment level). And I am pretty sure that still is occurring for the SN Posts too, so maybe that fix got reverted, or was ineffective?
This has been happening on two different devices, but using the same flakey wi-fi with both. I've seen my submissions be duplicated on SN for Posts and for comment replies as well.
Like right now, when I press the reply, it might toggle to disabled while it submits, and that might stay that way for like 10 seconds or maybe longer. SN is not the only site / service where this type of extended pause for a response will happen, but I've not seen the a duplicate submit occurs with other sites I might use. I can confirm my wifi frequently has latency issues, including times when I'll see like up to 6 second response times for ping (!), for extended durations -- 30 seconds or 45 seconds maybe, then things just resume at normal speed. Whether that's due to broadband connectivity, or maybe RF interference, or whatever, I have no idea -- and it's not my access point so I can't do much further troubleshooting. But I know I'm not alone in dealing with a flaky wi-fi connection.
There was a fix to Issue #94 in SN's github repo, but that doesn't seem to have been implement for comment replies (as same rule could apply, no duplicate comment reply, from the same user at the same comment level). And I am pretty sure that still is occurring for the SN Posts too, so maybe that fix got reverted, or was ineffective?