This is interesting but I'm struggling a bit on what it actually means or what use cases it enables.
Definitely could be articulated better on the site. A lot of technical details that are beyond most of us.
However what I grasped from it is that it wishes to overcome some limitations, speeding up query & download times on Nostr, which we see can be an issue with some clients.
Not only that it offers a credible alternative to IPFS and avoids the unnecessary full & duplicate download of files for numerous clients and relays.
“This will unlock a new tier of speed for a variety of decentralized apps that require file directories.”
“Without cryptographically verifiable chunking, users would need to download the entire file to verify it — rather than verifying each chunk immediately after the download. Downloading a very large file before verifying it wastes a lot of time and bandwidth if the file turns out to be incorrect.”