Trying to decide if it is better to support lots of content or a few really good pieces of content. So the question is should I zip lots (10 sats) or zap a little (50+sats)?
This isn’t about the algorithm but more of a personal question about giving value for value.
And as an aside I am always surprised how few people donate to the rewards fund each day.
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Look what the sat dragged in… what time do you call this? Lol
I completely agree but I don’t want to encourage the AI-clowns and link-tards. I’m hoping I can be more discerning AND generous.
Hey as an AI-tard-clown I find this deeply unoffensive honk honk
Phew. No one wants a triggered AI-clown giving its flat, fake generated indignation… lol
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Whom dis? Read like the AI robot. Danger Will Robinson Danger!
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