In the colorful lands of Bitconia, where bustling cities and peaceful villages lived together, people went about their lives using traditional forms of money. Coins clinked and bills creaked in pockets as the sun shed its warm light on the world. However, in the middle of this family scene, there was a sense of curiosity floating in the air.
In the heart of Bitconia lived a lively young woman named Aria. With her bright eyes and insatiable curiosity, Aria was known all over the place for her love of exploring the unknown. Every day, he ventured into small crossings, finding hidden corners and secret places where no one else dared to go. But one day, his adventure took an unexpected turn.
Aria had been hanging around the local market when something caught her attention. It was an old and dusty book hidden in a corner of a stall. The pages of the book were full of stories from a distant land called “ Bitconia ”. As Aria flipped through the pages, she learned about a magic coin called Bitcoin that existed only in the digital realm.
Bitcoin, the book said, was like a treasure hidden in the vast expanse of the internet. It could be sent from one person to another without the need for banks or intermediaries. Aria's heart was beating with excitement as she imagined a world where money traveled through invisible paths, similar to the stories she read in fairy tales.
That night, as the stars shone in the sky, Aria couldn't help but dream of Bitconia. He imagined a land where people used digital wallets and secret codes to unlock their treasures. He envisioned cities illuminated by the brightness of computer screens and markets full of merchants exchanging digital coins. And on this earth, she dreamed of a journey that would take her beyond the limits of her own world.
With the promise of adventure in the air, Aria closed the book and carefully placed it under her pillow. While falling asleep, she whispered to herself: “I am going to find Bitconia, and I am going to witness Bitcoin's magic for myself ”.
And so, the stage was set for Aria's extraordinary journey, one that would lead her to meet Miners, Merchants, Developers, Guardians and the wonders of a world where digital coins had the power to change lives. Unknowingly, his search for Bitconia would reveal the most charming secrets of a new era, where a decentralized digital currency would revolutionize the way people viewed and used money forever.
. . . Read the original story in Spanish . . .


Chapter 2: The Quest for Bitcoinia

It is a translation from the original Spanish version (link below), so please let us know if you find any error or if you have any suggestion on how we could improve it.
Keep your eye on the pronouns: unless it's on purpose, you refer to Aria both as 'she' and 'he' in chapter 1.

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