Web3.0 is the gift that keeps giving….. I’m at work today and I’m introduced to one of the bosses associates;
Me; ‘..so what do you do?’ Him; ‘I’m in blockchain and AI, web3.0 if you have heard of it?’ Me; ‘thats amazing, cutting edge stuff. Excuse me, I need to go back to my duties.’
Cleaning the halls was preferable to engaging with a vapid empty suit oxygen thief like that.
I'd actually be kinda curious, I never met one of these people out in the wild before lol
It’s not the first time. The guy I work for in this capacity is a ‘gamer-tech-bro’ and I don’t actually believe he has any real intellectual investment in these technologies. Hes an optimistic / opportunistic VC who made good and has acquired a few hangers on. They all drive supercars and airsoft at the weekend (they were packing their gear today). So something is working for them.