I made some of these for a local customer and kept one for me. It looks super cool Custom Business cards holder - Golf #custom #metal #art #locomancell #zaps #order #contact #follow #nostrartist https://imgprxy.stacker.news/XTpZNQBZsrA2ie314UvvegL7RL8XspgdYg2UzYbSEGA/rs:fit:600:500:0/g:no/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uemJkLmdnL3VnYy11cGxvYWRzL2ZkYzU5MTA0LTE2OTQyNjEyMTczNTQuanBlZw
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Gracias amigo. I love making things for the people. Makes me feel useful for my community, and that feeling is the best pay off 🙏