There's downtime if your 1 channel peer goes down. It's also less private to have 1 peer instead of 2.
This is just more centralization tech being pushed by Blockstream, resisting AMP, as they rub it in your face by not repenting on the "Core" branding.
Shouldn't you be busy simping for LDK's cloud storage? Or have you accepted the facts I pointed out about mobile nodes?
It's about redundant channels with the same peer, keeping the channel open while still making on chain payments, and you can even manage multiple channels across different peers in a single transaction now. So if anything it encourages multiple peers more than it did before.
Do some research dog.
I'm the researching skeptic. You're a "current thing" maxi, blindly taking the salaried dev class at face value.... even as Lightning continues to be attacked from all directions.
You seem to know very little about any of this.
Swaps are superior for user centered cases, and Dusty has even admitted that the primary use of this is for LSP's (centralizing) to shrink capacity without down time.
Just admit that it's bearish tech and you've been fooled again.