We Butter The Bread With Butter (WBTBWB) - Berlin Berlin!
We what?? Haha that's a crazy title. Ofcourse it's Germany! I like that you steered away from the obvious Rammstein, which I love, but it's good to get something really different. Another German band I really like is Feuerschwanz! They're brilliant fun.
The music video to Berlin Berlin was crazy, banana suit, chasing trams. Looks like a band having a good time which is always good to see.
Danke Schön
The music video to Berlin Berlin was crazy, banana suit, chasing trams. Looks like a band having a good time which is always good to see.
lol, I didn't know about the music video, haha
I like that you steered away from the obvious Rammstein, which I love, but it's good to get something really different.
Yeah, Rammstein was too obvious and I actually don't like Rammstein that much :)
They have great songs, ngl, but I like other German bands way better. Do you know Die Ärzte? They are even mentioned in the music video from WBTBWB (since they are from Berlin).
Another German band I really like is Feuerschwanz! They're brilliant fun.
Oh, need to check them out :)
Danke Schön
Bitte schön!
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lol, if you dont like Rammstein much, you must be German, lol :)
Oh, did I say that? I meant I <3 Rammstein! lol
Just looked that up since I had the feeling it's maybe more famous in America than in Germany (because of the name for example). Turns out, that's indeed the case.
Do other countries have similar bands which are popular abroad way more than in the country itself?
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I've not come across Die Ärzte. But I'll check them out 👍
Ref: Feuerschwanz there's a dude that plays a Halberd. It's nuts. Das Elfte Gebort might be my favourite track of theirs.