Your focus is your superpower. And, like with all superpowers, it takes effort to master it. Here are five steps that will help you to improve your focus.

1. Eliminate distractions

Life is often overwhelming. It can feel like there is no time to do what you need to do. Then, once you finally do manage carve out a sliver of time, you sit down at your computer only to be bombarded with ever-more distractions. The average American receives 120 emails and sends more than 85 text messages every day, while also simultaneously using six social media platforms.
  • Focus begins with eliminating distractions. Here are a few practical strategies:
  • Turn your phone onto Airplane or Do Not Disturb mode, or put it in another room.
  • Close your email and internet programs.
  • Tell your colleagues or loved ones that you will be unavailable for a period of time.

2. Choose just one task to focus on

Now that you have the space you need to focus, you can identify what you are going to focus on.
There are three lenses that I find particularly useful: progress, procrastination, and priority. These questions should give you a way to identify your area of focus.
  • Progress: What task would most help me to move towards my goals?
  • Procrastination: What task have I been procrastinating on?
  • Priority: What is the most important thing?

3. Define success

Once you have identified your task, you need to decide what 'good' will look like to you.
For example, let's say you have decided to work on writing a brief. Are you striving to complete a first draft or to have a ready-to-send document?
The clearer that you can be about what success looks like, the more likely you will be to succeed.

4. Decide how long you'll focus

Finally, decide how long you will devote to this task. Based on research into our attention span, I recommend that you aim for between 30-45 minutes. (In total, we have the ability to truly focus for about four to five hours a day.)
It can be very helpful to set a timer for yourself. Commit that, until the timer goes off, you will devote yourself fully to your task.
Then, go!

5. When you are done, take a break

After your timer goes off, it's time to take a break. Don't skip this part! It's essential.
Breaks are what rejuvenate your attention and give you the ability to refocus again, whether that's on the same task or a new one. Give yourself at least ten minutes (again, using a timer!) to step away from your computer. You can check in with loved ones or email, stretch your body, get some food or water, or look outside.
If you repeat this process every day, you will be amazed by how powerful your focus becomes and the results that it brings you.
Great stuff. 30 mins is about my attention span - then I have to get up and walk around.