A lot of bitcoiners still fall in the trap of talking in terms of left versus right. If you still do this, please consider that you are contributing to cover the truth in clouds. You are playing the fiat game.
To wildly lump things together that are not alike in confusing concepts, is an attack on clarity and a way to undermine a healthy conversation. The fact that it’s pushed so hard in our societies is not a coincidence; current power structures benefit from keeping people confused and agitated. If you’re talking to someone who does this, stop and call it out firmly, instead of accepting that frame and continue the conversation.
One way to handle this: Other: mentions left or right You: Left and right are very confusing terms. Other: Why? You: Well, how would you call someone that wants less interference from the state, left or right? Other: Right. You: Ok, I want very VERY low interference from the state, so I would be extreme right, correct? Other: Yes. You: The nazis are considered extreme right. Would you say they were in favor of low state interference? Other: No. You: So you are using terminology that is very contradictive. I just want to be left alone, but now I’m suddenly someone who wants to kill millions of people based on their ethnicity.
the right is a total sin word, just like addict. I enjoy the idea of cleaving the outer boundary of the information age paradigms by focusing on their sin's.
In contemporary American English, all "right" means is that you openly disagree with a regime talking point.