I used "we" to refer to bitcoiners. Yes, companies fail and are corrupted. However, I do clump companies that are bitcoin-only into that "we" category too. The bitcoin-only companies should be following the same principals that you and I are. Everyone in the space is doing their part to educate and improve access to bitcoin. The companies that say they are bitcoin-only or act contrary to that thesis should be called out.
So you should avoid Swan since that is a tool that is for LARPing and funding shitcoiners. 🤡
Use a non garbage product, and then take the thousands of dollars you save (plus or minus based on income/wealth) and donate to open source development that is actually useful. Or continuing LARPing and funding shitcoiners, your call
What do you consider a non-garbage product? Bisq, Hodl Hodl, and Robosats?
Those for privacy. Kraken or SFox for low fees.