What do you hope it's like?
I hope it's slow but steady. That we don't get sudden societal crisis that hurt a lot of people. Instead, I would like to see the fiat ponzi slowly go to shit, while Bitcoin slowly grows as the alternative. Basically, I hope we can calmly jump onto the life boats with enough space for all, instead of rushing and shoving elbows into each other.
I hope adoption grows strong in the "developing" nations and oppressed societies that need it the most. I hope they can jump from whatever shithole situations they might find themselves in today into a brighter future that is better than what currently exists in the "developed" world.
I hope that people learn beyond Bitcoin itself. That Bitcoin acts as a gateway drug to further understanding of economics and of political ideas such as ancap and libertarian ones. I hope it helps domesticated people grow some critical thinking, and a heightened feeling of self-responsibility and reliance. I hope it helps many people desire a smaller state and take action to achieve it.
I hope development on Bitcoin itself (Bitcoin Core, basically) slows down a lot, helping building a foundation that has the ambition of holding strong for decades and even centuries. I'm not saying no change should be introduced at all, but the burden of proving the usefulness of new changes should be on the proponents. Node runners should remain skeptical, and never update just like that without giving it some deep thought. Basically, I would like to see significant changes to Bitcoin take years of promotion and discussion, and a strong feeling in the air that important changes should only be adopted when there is a large consensus around them.
I hope UX keeps on improving. I hope people who are not interested in the technical bits have great options that help them enjoy the benefits of Bitcoin without requiring a computer science degree.
Finally, I hope to see circular economies take place. I want to see merchants taking Bitcoin and holding it. I want to see people living on Bitcoin and outside of the Western financial systems, just like there are people living on cash on many countries. I want to see people opting into not having a "formal" job (formal as in, public contract, registered in the social security DB, following government regulations, etc). And I want them having good lives, not being miserable outcasts with all sort of issues for being outside of The System™.
What do you fear it's like?
Basically, the opposite of the previous points.
Besides that, my biggest fear is that Bitcoin slowly becomes this half-assed thing that is good, but not good enough. This could happen because technical changes cause issues that break the game theory. Or because governments play smart and sneaky games in which they regulate it enough that it doesn't feel draconian, but that the cost of participating in Bitcoin is enough to keep normies away and make them stay in the Matrix. There is no way to know if we are here, because we can never know if the future holds mainstream adoption or we will just remain around where we are today. I regularly get discouraged when I read predictions from +10 years ago about mainstream adoption taking place in the 10s, only to see that we are still very far away from it.