Too late to reverse? Not sure they would even know how against the current EU backdrop..
No. They are trapped. More climate regulation (Davos destruction) coming this year. The last hit has been the heating ''act'' - devastating for all except the new growing ''subsidy industry'' that's part of the new political construct of ''rainbow stalinism'' like I call it.
Rainbow stalinism. Very apt.
Or ''green-woke clown cult''
Thank you - I do read your updates on Germany with interest (and dread).
Interesting comments I heard last week about the Inflation Reduction Act in New York - by promoting green policies and renewables they have pushed up the prices of supplies required to build wind farms etc and thereby increasing inflation… couldn’t make it up.
I think that's a feature not a bug. Preparing the Great Reset by crushing the middle class....
…and ground between the millstones of taxation and inflation..
And the growing parasitic bureaucracy