Sounds cool and I like the idea. But:
  1. A bit misleading to announce "No special software needed" when the user will actually have to download a language model. I get it that the file will stay in cache and from the user point of view they only see their browser, but still...
  2. You'll probably need to provide a few more explanations (and guarantees) before convincing people to jump in and see their GPU working 24/7. How will it affect the overall computer performance? What about heating? Can you restraint the computing power you share? Are there any data files stored on the computer somewhere (with possible legal issues...)?
Anyway, good luck. This thing could be big.
deleted by author
Depends on how well it pays ... GPU at max 100% consumes way more watts than in idle, and that will increase eletricity bill ...
Yeah I would hope they get the economics right so that it covers electricity and more
I doupt it will be worth for most Europeans. Electricity is very expensive.
I've added numbers based on personal experience in the duplicate post below. Will update once I have numbers on electricity use.
Just noticed this post now, didn't see it when I posted (#252842). Maybe the algorithm that checks for duplicate can show if there are other posts with same main domain? Here, I didn't get any warning, probably because the intro subdomain is added here. Maybe with an ignore list for mainstream sites as youtube, reddit, etc...
Bone for the Eth gpu miners still holding hardware lol