Can you see a way you could create an experience that matches SN using the Nostr protocol?
The protocol as-is and decentralized in a meaningful way (not in a theatrical way)? I can't easily see it. I suspect nostr could be adapted or another protocol developed to do it.
Thanks. I can't see it either. Maybe that's OK. If SN went away I would miss it but I don't think anyone would die over it. Everything doesn't have to be decentralized completely. And there is no way Nostr can be expected to replace everything. LOL. I feel like some folks need to acknowledge that because sometimes I think people think it can. There are tradeoffs.
Indeed, the idea that everything MUST be (or should be) decentralized is dumb as hell. The only people who push this kind of crap are people who usually have never actually built anything for the modern web, and have no clue how difficult setting up a lot of this stuff can be, especially at scale. There's zero real rationale for there to be things which say, are posting crappy low effort "content" to some decentralized/distributed network, paired with data permanence, etc. Plenty of existing platforms out there which despite their flaws, people use them because they work. The network effect is very strong and dictates who wins and who loses with social media. This is why there have been no real social media platforms to have debuted in the last few years which have managed to attain an actual audience of unique, active users that not only were retained on their site, but actually grew in size...too many people trying to reinvent the wheel and thinking that their weird spin on an existing site is going to be the one that finally manages to 'make it', they are delusional.
True. As long as we have one decentralized, censorship-resistant protocol, I think that's fine. I don't mind a forum with some moderation to keep things focused. Both can def exist for different purposes.