Yes, people just don't get network effects or never heard of that term.
Same reason why having access to the code of Twitter, Facebook, Google does not mean that you can create a company as valuable as Twitter, Facebook, Google (ignoring other factors for the sake of the argument).
Also, regarding this:
there is no limit on how many blockchains with Bitcoin's properties can be created.
If you don't change anything, you just connect to the bitcoin network.
So there must be some consensus difference between what this new chain with "bitcoin's properties" is doing and bitcoin.
there is no limit on how many blockchains with Bitcoin's properties can be created.
I'm not smart enough about the actual programming to make that point any more articulately. Are there some trivial consensus differences that wouldn't alter the functionality, but would prevent integration with the bitcoin network?
Are there some trivial consensus differences that wouldn't alter the functionality, but would prevent integration with the bitcoin network?
i think you could just create a new genesis block since which blocks are part of the longest (= includes the most work) chain is also part of consensus. then everything would be the same except the history would start from scratch.
That's basically what I was imagining.