One of the biggest ideological diseases nowadays, especially among people in the west, is the big state. Their believe in it goes deep, they are addicted to it. And a very common mistake to make among bitcoiners / Austrians, is to argue with them on basis of effectiveness, what works better.
Of course, we all know the free market is more effective, but it's not why most people believe in the government. Almost always it is rooted in moral superiority. 'Statists care about the poor and the sick, others do not', is the underlying idea. Even if you win the effectiveness argument, you still loose, because you don't care about those who are left behind without a roof, food or healthcare.
If that's the case, there's only one way to go about it. Forget about effectiveness or other arguments, attack them at the moral level and do it with as much force as is appropriate in that situation. Be on the offense. 'Why do you support the government stealing from the poor and handing it out to their rich cronies by printing money? That's terrible!'.
Take away their moral superiority and there's nothing left. Their believe system starts to crumble, they start to doubt themselves and that's exactly what's needed. The financial terrorism executed by the West through the IMF and Worldbank are of course great for that. 'This is modern slavery! Don't you want the poor people in Africa to have the same opportunities as we?' Specifically look for the words that they love to use themselves and turn it on them.
These are just two examples, the possibilities are endless. It may feel uncomfortable to do; in real offline life, bitcoiners are very nice and social people. But it's actually more fun and you'll get better results. Try it.