It definitely seems like there’s been an uptick in @anon activity lately. So many spicy thoughts!
It's a great way to say things that you might not want strictly associated with your account, like more controversial opinions or questions that could be bad for privacy if linked to you
we are watching
when i had my paranoia phase (too much weed and acid, I guess), i used to have this creepy thought or dream that if i become too aware of how fucked up the world is and start telling others, people will notice but pretend that they are not hearing me.
however, someone will look me straight into the eyes and just move their mouth to let me know that "they" are watching and i should stfu. all while risking their lives to save mine.
in this world, people are not really NPCs, they are just pretending to be to not get noticed by "them".
this plays into the fear of the unknown.
Reminds me of the tv show “The Watcher”