Hey everyone, I’m looking for some help with an upgrade to my website Stack Sats.
I want to let site visitors rank the items on my site with sats.
I’m looking for help writing some custom code that will:
  1. Accept Lightning payments to my Voltage node when a site visitor hits the Lightning bolt button on a given product.
  2. Once a successful payment is made, update my CMS (I’m using Webflow) with the amount of sats that have been paid to the specific product.
If you have any questions feel free to add them in the comments or DM me on Twitter.
1,000,000 sats bounty
deleted by author
Lol I definitely read it as 100,000
Maybe formatting the bounty sats would be a good improvement. Not like 1M, but just with commas as separators
I opened this PR to address this issue
yup, it’s the limit on SN
I think I could do this. What's the tech stack and deadline, and how do we communicate?
Cool, the tech stack is Webflow for the frontend/CMS and Voltage for the Lightning node.
Are you on Twitter? We can DM there if so.
No, I'm not on Twitter. Nostr would work, for example. Since I live in europe I will go to sleep now, but I can continue in the morning. My nostr is npub19kj2j93suaes0v06s4wk5g8r8x98wvf950f2reytj7xlzhtqqsws6mwvk0
hmm, for some reason your npub isn’t appearing on Nostr Band or Damus. Can you DM me tomorrow?
I dmmed you on nostr.
Up!! 🙏🏼
I eagerly hope that the right person comes along for you to do this, please let me know when the site is updated!
Big hug and success!
Wow such a great bounty, i have ever seen since stacking on @sn
Great job doin👍🏻
Not a good idea to rank products with votes/sats. MANIPULATION will always happen. That will end up in false information and herd is really dumb an follow, without even verifying. "Best" ranked in Bitcoinlandia is not always the best... there's no such thing as "the best" in Bitcoinlandia.
Just my 2 sats.
Sat ranking could be one of a number of ranking options available for visitors.
For example, all e-commerce stores give visitors the ability to rank products by:
  • price (high to low)
  • price (low to high)
  • recently added
  • in stock now
  • etc…
I really like stacksats site. Is a very useful site that I usually recommend to newbies. If you want to go down this rabbit hole of ranking is up to you. Just be aware of my comment.
appreciate the feedback.
right now i’m in charge of ranking, and it feels like that’s not a great long-term solution.