There is definitely some price gouging. Not all supermarket / food companies are the same. Some, like Loblaws, actually have gotten away with slap on the wrists for price fixing, even before the COVID lockdowns and inflation running up etc.
I agree! It's not always a black and white issue. There's some low key price fixing and gouging going on but not extreme or across the board by any means. In an open market anyone can charge whatever they like. But monopolies of an essential good like food are where it also gets complicated.
Yeah I think loblaws was fixing bread prices right in collusion.
But yes, the "price gouging" rhetoric is not as convincing after all the monetary inflation. Bitcoiners know about volume of money and devaluation, most non-coiners don't even think about it in those terms. Many people really do just think "landlords are greedy" or "grocery stores are greedy" and don't see the knock on effects of inflationary monetary policy.
Yes agreed totally. Landlords are def other the issue.