Jon, that wasn't the WEF's own study, they were referencing an IREA study. And there isn't much that's controversial about it. Since that study, renewable prices have fallen even further, while significantly more renewable capacity has been added globally. And the WEF isn't a the greatest threat to humanity. C'mon now.
There's no real way to know what the real market price of solar is because prices are so distorted by government intervention via tax credits, subsidies, etc.
C'mon now. The WEF is behind the great reset: They want to undermine every government in the world and are most definitely the single greatest threat to humanity and what little freedom still exists in the world.
The real cost? What does that mean? The average cost to manufacture solar panels is 30¢ per watt, and falling, and that's BEFORE subsidies. The manufacturing cost in 2010 per watt was over $2!
And the WEF's Great Reset is more of a Twitter meme, less of a grand conspiracy anyone should care about.
You don't know that. All you know is a bunch of numbers that have been fed to you from interest groups who are owned and operated by the ruling class.
If Covid taught us anything, it's that scientist are all frauds who will make up bogus data because they're paid to act as the mouthpiece for their masters.
The great reset is about taking over every aspect of our daily lives and robbing us of our ownership of our bodies, lives, choices, property, and labor. The Net Zero agenda is a big part of destroying our freedom which is why they have an incentive to spread false information about the cost of solar.
It's cool that you're off-grid and have achieved that level of individual sovereignty but to push this narrative that solar is cheaper than nuclear power is nonsense.
You do not want to learn the basics of EE and economics. You are emotionally attached to a narrative. You are not asking a question. If you don't get it ...