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I'll be playing some splatoon and maybe some binding of isaac. Right after a nice smoke of herb with some snacks on hand 👌
Skyrim, if I can set some time aside for it.
My wife likes this game. It's the only console game she plays.
I hadn't played it in almost ten years, but recently dusted it off and got obsessed with finding the optimal set of game mods. Does your wife have any favorite mods or does she play the vanilla version?
Not really sure to be honest. I think just the regular version. She rarely plays anymore but she used to really be into the game but life, kids, you know how it is. I generally stick to sports games for this reason. I can have a franchise or career mode going in MLB the show or Madden and pick it up at night for a game or two when the kids are in bed and then maybe not go back to it for a week.
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I am not playing any video games in my life exept for a couple of rounds when of something like brotato or Smash Brothers from time to time when friends come over. But for some reason I keep watching some league of legens youtuber, thats so dumb
Probably won't play this weekend but I have franchises going right now in MLB the Show and Madden. Haven't played in awhile though.
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