Hello dear hackerplebs,
i' ve posted my issue on bitcoin.stackexchange, i need a quick solution and i want to pay for it.
post the solution down here for the bounty and on the following link - or i will:
Here is the issue:
i try to refactor js code for merging split keys to get a privKey for a vanity address. For better read/understanding, for updated packages (bitcoinjs-lib) and maybe integrations into wallets. Here is the code i want to refactoring https://github.com/sashmaaan/VanityAddressMerger/blob/master/src/sashmaaan.vmerge.js
given: vanityAddress, privkey, partialPrivkey
There are 6 cases/mathematical operations i've identified to get the right privatekey, and it should return 18 combined-privatekeys, but i get 23 then i try to find the one with the right derived address that is the same as the vanityAddress.
So i think there must be something wrong with the constants n or lambda1 and lambda2, or negatiation of the bigints.
The previous code uses a old version of bitcoinjs with deprecated functions ECKey so i tried to use ECPair but i am not shure if its used right in the code below:
import * as bitcoin from "bitcoinjs-lib";
import { ECPairFactory } from 'ecpair';
import * as ecc from 'tiny-secp256k1';
const ECPair = ECPairFactory(ecc);
import bigInt from "big-integer";
const lambdaKey = bigInt('5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72', 16)
/* const lambdaKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(lambdaBigInt, 'hex');
const lambdaKey = ECPair.fromPrivateKey(lambdaKeyBuffer); */
const lambda2Key = bigInt('ac9c52b33fa3cf1f5ad9e3fd77ed9ba4a880b9fc8ec739c2e0cfc810b51283ce', 16)
/* const lambdaKeyBuffer2 = Buffer.from(lambdaBigInt2, 'hex');
const lambda2Key = ECPair.fromPrivateKey(lambdaKeyBuffer2);
function mergeKeys(addr, privKey, partialPrivKey) {
if (privKey === partialPrivKey) {
throw new Error('Own private key and partial private key are the same');
if (!privKey || !partialPrivKey) {
throw new Error('One of the private keys is null');
const ownKeyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(privKey);
const partialKeyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(partialPrivKey);
const ownKey = bigInt(ownKeyPair.privateKey.toString('hex'), 16);
const partPrivKey = bigInt(partialKeyPair.privateKey.toString('hex'), 16);
const keyPairs = [ownKey, partPrivKey];
function negateKey(key) {
return n.subtract(key).mod(n);
// Try merging private keys both ways (addition and multiplication)
for (const keyPair2 of keyPairs) {
for (const keyPair1 of keyPairs) {
// No sym, no endo
const mergedPrivateKey1 = keyPair1.add(keyPair2).mod(n);
const privateKeyHex1 = mergedPrivateKey1.toString(16).padStart(64, '0');
const privateKeyBuffer1 = Buffer.from(privateKeyHex1, 'hex');
const mergedKeyPair1 = ECPair.fromPrivateKey(privateKeyBuffer1, { network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin });
console.log(mergedKeyPair1.toWIF(), 1)
// No sym, endo 1
const mergedPrivateKey2 = keyPair1.multiply(lambdaKey).mod(n).add(keyPair2).mod(n);
const privateKeyHex2 = mergedPrivateKey2.toString(16).padStart(64, '0');
const privateKeyBuffer2 = Buffer.from(privateKeyHex2, 'hex');
const mergedKeyPair2 = ECPair.fromPrivateKey(privateKeyBuffer2, { network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin });
console.log(mergedKeyPair2.toWIF(), 2)
// No sym, endo 2
const mergedPrivateKey3 = keyPair1.multiply(lambda2Key).mod(n).add(keyPair2).mod(n);
const privateKeyHex3 = mergedPrivateKey3.toString(16).padStart(64, '0');
const privateKeyBuffer3 = Buffer.from(privateKeyHex3, 'hex');
const mergedKeyPair3 = ECPair.fromPrivateKey(privateKeyBuffer3, { network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin });
console.log(mergedKeyPair3.toWIF(), 3)
// Symmetric, no endo
let mergedPrivateKey4 = negateKey(keyPair1).negate().add(keyPair2).mod(n)
mergedPrivateKey4 = negateKey(mergedPrivateKey4)
//mergedPrivateKey4 = negate(mergedPrivateKey4)
const privateKeyHex4 = mergedPrivateKey4.toString(16).padStart(64, '0');
const privateKeyBuffer4 = Buffer.from(privateKeyHex4, 'hex');
const mergedKeyPair4 = ECPair.fromPrivateKey(privateKeyBuffer4, { network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin });
console.log(mergedKeyPair4.toWIF(), 4)
// Symmetric, endo 1
const mergedPrivateKey5 = keyPair1.multiply(lambdaKey).mod(n).negate().add(orderBigInt).add(keyPair2).mod(n);
const privateKeyHex5 = mergedPrivateKey5.toString(16).padStart(64, '0');
const privateKeyBuffer5 = Buffer.from(privateKeyHex5, 'hex');
const mergedKeyPair5 = ECPair.fromPrivateKey(privateKeyBuffer5, { network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin });
console.log(mergedKeyPair5.toWIF(), 5)
// Symmetric, endo 2
const mergedPrivateKey6 = keyPair1.multiply(lambda2Key).mod(n).negate().add(orderBigInt).add(keyPair2).mod(n);
const privateKeyHex6 = mergedPrivateKey6.toString(16).padStart(64, '0');
const privateKeyBuffer6 = Buffer.from(privateKeyHex6, 'hex');
const mergedKeyPair6 = ECPair.fromPrivateKey(privateKeyBuffer6, { network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin });
console.log(mergedKeyPair6.toWIF(), 6)
// Generate addresses for each merged key pair
const address1 = getAddressFromKeyType(addr.charAt(0), mergedKeyPair1);
const address2 = getAddressFromKeyType(addr.charAt(0), mergedKeyPair2);
const address3 = getAddressFromKeyType(addr.charAt(0), mergedKeyPair3);
const address4 = getAddressFromKeyType(addr.charAt(0), mergedKeyPair4);
const address5 = getAddressFromKeyType(addr.charAt(0), mergedKeyPair5);
const address6 = getAddressFromKeyType(addr.charAt(0), mergedKeyPair6);
// Check if any of the addresses match the target address
if (addr === address1) return mergedKeyPair1.toWIF();
if (addr === address2) return mergedKeyPair2.toWIF();
if (addr === address3) return mergedKeyPair3.toWIF();
if (addr === address4) return mergedKeyPair4.toWIF();
if (addr === address5) return mergedKeyPair5.toWIF();
if (addr === address6) return mergedKeyPair6.toWIF();
//throw new Error('Failed to find a valid merged private key.');
function getAddressFromKeyType(keyType, keyPair) {
switch (keyType) {
case "1":
const addr = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin }).address;
return addr
case "3":
return bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey }), network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin }).address;
case "b":
case "B":
return bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin }).address;
return null;
const addr = '1btcxcVyqf8jfkscQmYPBGRurZQG8PMtb';
const privKey = 'KzNCSsMnhf34GBt91tSbgDAC2YKt6cuX2XDiRzZtC487koBUHh5N';
const partialPrivKey = 'Kyc35db3dauFrVLSDYWgmrqAQCEcPf1Xnkv9QbGWYboE3FkV7rMv';
//expected private key: L53BPaiJWm3wJ4APYRzHo6sTUTYc76YY7Kx6ScyTBRkrYJ1My3S4
// mergeKeys(addr, privKey, partialPrivKey);
try {
const mergedPrivateKey = mergeKeys(addr, privKey, partialPrivKey);
console.log('Merged Private Key (WIF Compressed):', mergedPrivateKey);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error.message, error)
Have Fun by catching the bounty!
150,000 sats bounty