Did you read The Progressive's Case for Bitcoin? It is on my shelf of things to read, not because I'm liberal but because I think it will be good for myself to better understand how they think and be able to address concerns that they have.
I was wearing a bitcoin hat while hiking last spring and one guy asked me what I thought of the price of bitcoin (I told him that this is a great time to buy) and his wife told me that her grandson told her that she should buy eth instead because it uses much less energy. I didn't have the time or energy to talk sense to her, but I feel that it is that kind of FUD that the more liberal people drink up and believe.
I have read it. Its OK, the energy chapter is good for dispelling energy fud to progressives.
Yeah, I feel that a lot of the FUD around bitcoin's energy use, which was a huge talking point for the eth and POS people, has already started to be toned down. I think the narrative around it is changing for the better. I don't think the book had much to do with it, but might still be helpful in convincing the more hardcore environmental people.
Ya, it could help a few independent thinkers get over the hump 🤙