This week, as you work towards what matters to you, you will experience a mixture of successes and setbacks.
You might get some positive feedback, your project could hit a new milestone, you could stay consistent with your routines, or you might get quality time with loved ones.
And, at the same time, you might struggle with symptoms of an illness, you could have a tough conversation with a client, or you might hear some bad news.
Through it all, what matters most is this: remembering that no matter what happens to you this week, you will always be worthy.
Your success do not make you 'better'; your failures don't make you 'worse'. You are always, always worthy, just as you are.
Because, despite what Old Happy culture told you, your worthiness is not based upon your achievements. It is something inherent: you are worthy because you are alive. Nothing that happens to you and nothing that you do will ever change that.
Take that knowledge forward with you as you embark upon your week. Let it inspire you to take risks and try new things, knowing that any failures you experience will not diminish you. Let it compel you to change the way that you treat people, looking for their own inherent worth in every interaction. And let it change the way that you treat yourself, so that you stop being cruel to yourself and start treating yourself with compassion at every step of your journey.
ahhh, happiness on your phone. genious