All the efficiency gains of making the craft re-usable are being wiped out by the State. Imagine starting a business, buying insurance, but you did't have insurance against the State arbitrarily stopping the core of your business.

On a related note, imagine if you could purchase insurance to deal with situations where the State decides to ruin your business/life. Small businesses operating in the late stages of the Soviet Union did just that. For isntance, the State would seize their delivery cars, and the owners would file insurance claims. The illegal, but benign, businesses would prosper while the Soviet Union was approaching it's collapse.
The same could be done right now, but easier, with Bitcoin. Such an insurance company would operate without any regulatory overhead. You'd need competent insurance people who aren't snitches, which might be hard to find.
This belongs in ~tech 😔 but I didn't know we were making drugs in space!
I wouldn't have guessed gravity might interfere with certain chemistries.
I think there was some scientific research in the past on how gravity and being closer to the sun made some effects. Also, is there a way to move this to Tech?
We only allow sub switching within the edit window currently. I'm worried about people abusing switching them if we allow it to be done indefinitely.