Bitcoin's meteoric rise and unique properties leave it in a place with no rival as the total and final source of trust and trust(lessness).
-Universal Currency: In a world dominated by fiat pump n dump thefts, Bitcoin's relentless rise as the universal currency is a death knell for traditional money. It's trustless, immutable, referential, open, censorship resistant, permisionless, borderless (etc). If you don't know what these are or why they're important in creating the hardest (best) 'money' ever - just ask or DYOR about it. The US dollar, backed mostly by war and oil - a good rabbit hole here - shouldn't be a 'reserve' currency. Bitcoin is backed by math, energy and participant concensus.
-Universal Trust: Who needs banks, wires, unjust financial laws and regulations when you've got Bitcoin's properties of the hardest money? These properties will put intermediaries out of business, as its transparent and hack-proof(very-resistant) ledger ensures trust(lessness) in every transaction, making financial fraud, fiat theft and heavy gate-keeping fees a relic of the past. No more bank runs. No more hyperinflation. No more printing. Only careful self-sovereignty.
-Global Implications: Bitcoin's world domination isn't a far-fetched fantasy... everyone can participate and use it. Any one can crowd fund. Value for value and the circular economy is scaling and building!
-Universal truth: There are no insider pre-mines, rug pulls, or 'staked tokens' here. Just math and energy and cryptography working elegantly. 1 BTC = 1 BTC and the ledger is the source of truth.