because people were sending me pictures of the QRs instead of pasting here the LN invoice code.
Mhh, adding a QR code scanner shouldn't be too hard and could thus be implemented faster than LNDhub
I'll create a ticket about this tomorrow if I don't forget. I'll also create one for the invoice details you mentioned if you didn't already create one :)
Maybe we should even name the options in the wallet send and receive instead of withdraw and fund?
@k00b, what do you think?
If you want! (per the usual, prioritize it among things you think will be high impact for the site ... it may help to imagine the pitchforks will come for you too 😄)
Personally, I think stuff like this is a great 'good first issue' or a 'do this one with a buzz issue' for someone. You and I should probably focus on the stuff that requires deeper context to solve.