He’s on nostr now though (although I don’t think he wants to be lol).
V4V is very young. It’s still not clear what it means I don’t think.
Every time I hear someone bearish on value for value I just laugh. I mean, I get it on one level. Its a model that doesn't work for everything at all times. But in other ways it is not new at all. It is just a new name for something humans have been doing since they have been trading. Got a burr in my saddle this morning before work and wrote this about V4V. There's this thing in modern culture that if something isn't on the Internet it didn't happen. Part of it is just laziness and part is just ignorance. Everything is not written and published on the Internet. So I got off my butt and wrote what I know.
I believe he still isn't.
Apparently rockstar made an account with his picture & used his strike account to receive zaps.