100% agree with you - especially about how most people won't really spend the time to dig into the nuances of how Bitcoin and/or Lightning work. Love the furnace analogy; reminds me of Sergei from Bitrefill's point about how (most of us) use cars, but we don't all go to car meetups/conventions. Point being, we are a fervent minority lol.
IMO a reasonable catalyst is the proliferation of obviously useful products and services -- obvious to normies, which is the important distinction.
Yes. I was thinking about posting that later this week -- what are actually useful services where it is the service itself, and not its btc-centrality, that you like? This is why SN is so important. It's like, really, honestly, useful, and it's getting more useful, and the road to its ultimate utility is only possible bc of what btc allows. What other things are like that? Anything?