There is a commonality between the public television model and v4v except that public television actually does have ad sponsors. The other aspect that I only briefly hit on is the feedback / non-financial contribution aspect of v4v. It is missed by many people. With No Agenda producers contribute art, music, content, and insight to the hosts of the show. It indeed is not a new idea but an old idea made new by the approach and technology.
Sometimes an old idea + new tech becomes, in essence, a new idea. Not trying to diminish that. In practice, this could be one such, though I haven't seen it manifest here yet in a substantive way.
Wrt public television advertising: do they still? I remember, as a kid, there would be those in-show reads sometimes (e.g., the Lawrence Welk show would have LW actually talk about some product in the middle of it, which now seems so surreal to reflect on) but I remember that falling away. Although I guess there were sponsorships ("This show is brought to you by xxx") which are ads after a fashion.
No free lunch, either way.