This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Read about time today and being the master of your own your time so you can kill it on your own terms just a friendly reminder!
Average request latency is now ~150ms, down from >300ms a week ago. There's probably more low hanging fruit to reduce it to 100ms.
@paul mentioned that it'd be nice to have an indicator on 'jobs' in the navbar when a new job is added.
I'm trying to think of a way that we can do this without being spammy, especially for logged in users (whom I love more 😘). It would also need to work for lurkers.
Would it be too much to have an indicator every time there's a new job posted since you last visited ~jobs? Perhaps you could turn it off in settings.
That'd be the simplest thing to do. For lurkers I'd store the last visited in local storage.
Another option might be to provide sort by new functionality. Current layout is great to gamify jobs for those who want the most visibility but less ideal for job seekers who check in less frequently and want to see what's been posted since they last checked.
There's a 'recent' for jobs like the main page. 'recent' is contextual, meaning if you're on the ~jobs sub 'recent' is ~jobs/recent
ahhh somehow my eyes completely missed that!
Great idea, and agree that this solution makes sense.
One more point on notifications, I think the 1 sat comment fees should go to the original poster/commenter who is being replied to. Every time I get a notification, I anticipate receiving sats... but on occasion, it's just a reply with no sats attached.
Lightning allows us to set a price on attention, no user should be distracted by a notification without sats attached.
The main problem I have with this is
  1. the payment scheme goes from trivial to complex to describe
  2. if a user creates sock puppet account, they can reply to their other accounts for free, an unlimited amount of times
On point (1), if Alice creates a post, Bob replies to Alice, and then Carol replies to Bob. Who do Carol's sats go to? Bob? If Alice replies to Bob, do Alice's sats go to Bob? Right now we have a simple rule - the sats go to the site. I can describe it in one sentence. IMO that has a bunch of value.
Also, I get a ton of random questions on here. With this scheme I would be paying to answer users' questions (as would any other user helping another user), which is backwards. At least with the current scheme, the sats go somewhere trusted that redistributes those sats to other trusted sources.
yeah, there is a lot of value in the simplicity of the current scheme… i just wish it allowed me to use sats to protect my time & attention. this concept is already being used by reacher & vida, and it makes a ton of sense.
fiat never allowed us to earn for seconds or minutes of our time, lightning does. ‘no free distractions’ seems like a simple way of describing this policy.
the way i envision it is whoever creates a post should get sats for direct replies, and if i reply to a comment, payments should go to the person i’m directly replying to.
if you’re getting questions in response to your posts, you’d be earning sats based on the rate you set for replies. perhaps the same rule could be applied to tagging users too, so if someone tags you in their question, they need to pay to get your attention.
Down the road, it might even be worth exploring the ability for users to set their own reply fees.
Ex. Imagine a celebrity posting an original piece of content on SN (perhaps a blog post). They may want to limit all comments on their posts unless it comes with a fee of 100 or 1,000 sats.
Yes, I imagine a celeb wanting to set a higher sat barrier to prevent spam. This is something I've considered adding for awhile.
Will the ranking/tipping algorithm for SN be open sourced?
Would be cool if each sub had a differently tuned algorithm (different parameter choices)!
It's already open source (check the website footer). But yeah, different subs will have different ranking algos. ~jobs already has a different algo.
There are 6 podcasts on the main feed right now all from the same account. What a waste.
Yeah, they sort of just shot gunned all those out there. Off topic, but those icons/emojis of the headphones. The poster added those in the title when posting and you have nextjs style and display it? It’s awesome looking.
I don't do anything special with emojis. It's just rendered by your browser pretty.
will users be able to create their own subs so to speak?
Yes, eventually. We are thinking they'll have to crowdfund them, sort of like stackexchange does with votes, but it'll be with sats and monthly probably like 10k sats/mo to keep it going.
I have a jetlag, woke up at 4am, so I spent some time reading up on stuff and watching Stacker News Live!
I like how SNL introduces different audio issue every time 😀 I could see how @k00b touched the mic, did wiggle wiggle and it stopped working 😀
i totally did @nout
its alll good i was able to salvage something on the release. But it adds another 3 hours to my production. At this point I am getting paid minimum wage...hes lucky were bffs
This problem happened with PBS too right?
its basically our equipment its dying a slow death
@ThrillerX_ warned me not to touch the mic because it was producing static earlier. 🤦‍♂️
Broke 10k sats stacked on SN!
In couple years that will get you a house :)
At the very least, it'll be enough to buy some of your chairs back.
Lol would love to donate. I know others need these sats more than I do
The friend of mine invited me to make a lecture for a kids in a Russian school about bitcoin and self sovereignty. So I'm looking for material to show it to them. I found a few kids books with a lot of illustrations, check: "Bitcoin Money: A Tale of Bitville Discovering Good Money" by Rabbie. I think this one is really great for your kids to show!
The Little Bitcoin Book is also quite short and simple. What age group are you going to be talking to?
I was just in Europe and I had a brief chat about bitcoin with someone who escaped Ukraine - there's definitely interest and this work is super important.
Got two 17U travel baseball games to umpire this afternoon. Love what I do, there's nothing better and the weather today is going to be perfect! #UmpireLife
You calling balls and strikes?