Thanks for tag @nemo
I don't like it because it's wrong. Not a little bit wrong, but totally wrong. It is adjacent to something true, but adjacency still allows you to be 100% wrong e.g. bitcoin is truth, but "blockchain technology" is gibberish.
Nature abhors a vacuum, so when people don't understand something, they will gladly take something that sounds nice that aligns with their views. But this is no different from faith or belief in bitcoin, something I do not have -- what I have is understanding.
Energy is related to value in that all things that are valued by human life are based on what is known as EMBODIED ENERGY, which cannot be measured accurately due to the complexity of inputs.
The nature of life is to use energy to reduce entropy by building order. Bitcoin maximizes this property, and it does so by LITERALLY BEING INFORMATION. It is information that is MINIMALLY LOSSY, which as I explained previously, maximizes energy capacity. Bitcoin is energy any more than a map that tells you where to find an oilfield.
Spouting gibberish is what arrogant people do who cannot psychologically handle the discomfort of knowing something is of great significance and failing to understand its true nature. This is reflective of a mix of Saylor's intellect and disposition. That he is smarter than other people means nothing to me, just like I do not accept "moral relativism". My standards are absolute (not that I meet my own standards).