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  • QA, error handling 'n stuff
this post is also a good example why OPs should be able to comment their links before posting, lol
cool.! late night fun?
show link to original image (not from our proxy) below image in fullscreen
Is original image as including the original quality? 👀
cool.! late night fun?
haha, kind of
Is original image as including the original quality? 👀
drum roll 🥁
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It's good to see the work behind the scenes, I feel the next update will be huge
I've seen Thinkpads being recommended quite often, but this thread really convinced me to try and get one myself.
Also, great insider peak, thanks!
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Thanks for the additional advice.
older models hot swappable batteries & extended life batteries
Pardon my ignorance, but is this something to avoid, or something I would want? :) I guess it's the latter?
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Never had reasons good enough to configure vim for coding, haha
But when I go to visit @k00b in Austin, I want to SSH into my desktop machine at home since it's more powerful. I think then it will be very useful when I can code completely in vim. VSCode has remote development over SSH, but I think a really good vim setup will be better for remote development.
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I use a 9 year old laptop when I do my SN work, it definitely bogs down hard at times. I’m just too cheap and lazy to buy a new machine
how much more power do you need for dev work though, that you would need to ssh into a machine and not be able to do what you need to do on a semi-modern laptop?
The machine at home is really good, so it would be a waste to not use it.
And coding on SN in development mode for hot reload, browsing SN, a lot of tabs open + whatever else I am doing seems to eat up a lot of RAM. As you can see in the upper right corner of the video, I am already at 15GB RAM, so this laptop would need 32GB RAM.
I also don't like how hot laptops can get under load. Doesn't feel sustainable. My PC is constantly at 30°C-40°C
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most modern laptop don't allow you to update the RAM yourself anymore I thought
Unlike the Thinkpad T series :)