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Openness is a personality dimension that probably doesn't change much over time I'd guess. But maybe it does ...
Reading fiction is probably the most significant input for me. Moving cities/high schools during puberty was an impetus for change. Sports probably also forced me to be vulnerable to external feedback/reality.
I don't smoke weed anymore, but there are periods of my life where I did and one of the features (for me at least) is a fracturing of attention which might be related to opening one's mind. I generally describe weed as a drug for mental pivoting. Used for a short period of time it can help you figure out where you should go/act, but when I and several people I've known use it beyond that, we get stuck perpetually deciding where to go/act.
Strong opinions, loosely held.
I don't think opinions should be generically strong. They should be as strong as what you have evidence for
Openness is a personality dimension that probably doesn't change much over time I'd guess. But maybe it does ...
I'd like to think that dimension is more malleable, but it does only seem to be that way when the person is ready to "be open"
Yeah, strong to the extent that they're well developed opinions, not just derived from a collage of media sound bytes, but also open enough to separate opinion from ego and pivot if/when you need to
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