It's been about 3 weeks since the last update of nostree, the fiat world has taken me a bit longer than expected, and therefore this release has taken a bit longer, but this has not been a reason to skimp on new features, as you can see, it comes loaded with new features and improvements. We will go through them one by one, but first we would like to thank @npub149p5act9a5qm9p47elp8w8h3wpwn2d7s2xecw2ygnrxqp4wgsklq9g722q for the new logo and interface design. Thanks! fat zap is coming to you 💜 Also remember that the project has a geyserfund page where you can support the project and help it grow . Without further ado, let's go through the list of new features, including some special gift! keep reading to discover it ⚡
-New domain: From now on, in addition to the domain, you can also access the new domain, which makes the urls shorter and more shareable. So you can use either of them to share your profile. Taking this into account, the result of sharing @npub10awzknjg5r5lajnr53438ndcyjylgqsrnrtq5grs495v42qc6awsj45ys7 profile would be the same in these cases: ,
-Hashtags: This is one of the new features in this release, you can now add hashtags to your lists to make them more discoverable. There is a new field for hashtags in the create/edit lists form and you can add as many as you like. These hashtags can then be used to discover other lists in the Explore section. For example, we can now use and this will bring up all the lists that contain the hashtag 'music', isn't that cool? Also, at the top of the explore section, you can see a list of hashtags that you can browse through. It's easy to dream of nostree as a good place to post and discover content that interests you.
-Search: This is another exciting new feature, nostree now includes a profile search engine that allows you to find people's profiles quickly and easily. The search engine works by taking the kind0 events (where all your profile information is stored), so the search engine can work to search for any of the attributes found within that event, such as name, handle, nostr address (nip05), or about/bio keywords. So for example, if you search for 'bitcoin' or any other keyword, and someone has that keyword in their about/bio, it will appear as a search result. This also works to search for people who have a specific nip05 provider, for example if you search for '' the search will return all profiles that use that provider. Another way to use the new search functionality is to type it directly into the URL, for example:
-Vanity addresses: Now accounts using as nostr address provider (nip05) can enjoy even shorter urls, for example, or even shorter As a special reason for this release, I will give away the nostr address (nip05) to all users who create a list of links today (23 Sep) and share it on nostr, for this you can use the new 'share on nostr' button that you will find in every list or just share the url with your favourite client. Finally, users who want this nostr address should claim it by sending me a dm specifying the name they want for their nostr address, using the following format: <name>
-Share on nostr: This is a feature that allows you to share the interesting lists you find in an easy way without leaving nostree. This button can be found on each list in the drop-down menu under the title of each list in the user profile. There you will find a default text with the name of the list and the URL, this text is fully editable. Let's create and share!
-Performance and ui/ux improvements: Several improvements have been made to improve the performance of nostree, the most important being the use of the ndk cache adapter, plus some refactoring of the nostree codebase. All of this results in a smoother and faster experience. We also added some animations and transitions when elements are still loading, which feel good when navigating the application. In addition, the interface design has been improved in several aspects to make it cleaner and more functional.
-Bug fixes: A lot of minor bugs have been squashed in this release, don't cry for them, they're in a better place now.
Remember that if you want a free nostree nostr address, you can get it today by simply creating a list on nostree, sharing it as a note using the 'share on nostr' button, or your favourite nostr client, and finally claiming the nostr address you want by sending me a dm as explained above.
And that's all for now, for me it's a great pleasure to work on the development of nostree, I like how it's becoming a really useful tool for sharing and discovering, and interoperable with the whole nostr network respecting the nips, I hope you enjoy it too. If so, please consider supporting the project with zaps, ideas, feedback, code reviews or any other way you can think of, they are all very welcome :) Last but not least, thanks again to Niel Liesmons (npub149p…722q) and everyone else who contributes to this project💜.