There are 4 key points to understand about fungible tokens:
Interchangeability: Fungable tokens are mutually interchangeable. If you have one unit of a fungible token, it has the same value as any other unit of the same token. For example, one Bitcoin is always equal in value to another Bitcoin.
Indivisibility: Fungible tokens are usually divisible into smaller units. For instance, you can divide one Bitcoin into smaller fractions known as satoshis (sats). This divisibility allows for more flexible transactions.
Uniformity: All units of a fungible token are identical in terms of attributes, value, and functionality. Each unit has the same properties as any other unit of the same type.
Standardization: Fungible tokens often adhere to specific standards or protocols on blockchain networks. These standards define the rules for token creation, transfer, and management, ensuring consistency and compatibility across different applications and platforms.