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I think Bitcoin suffers from being a generic brand term, outside deephodl circles the terms bitcoin and crypto are interchangeable, people think everything is bitcoin and use it interchangeably, there are people holding BCH or BSV calling it bitcoin, and because most people are used to living in a nerfed world where companies go out of their way to protect their IP, if they see no legal recourse or big cases making the distinction, they just go along with the assumption
Right now I think you either become interested in finding out the difference yourself, or you don't and get rekt, every technology is like that, there were still beta max maxis and blackberry maxis right until the end, and eventually, they are forced to move over by incentives and learn from their mistakes
I guess the reputation of Bitcoin is just about time, as the lindy effect keeps compounding and the rest of the crap falls by the way side
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Lol 100% American hodl energy, I think bitcoin either gets you in as a maxi or you dig in your heels and take a maxi position in something else, gold, shitcoins, real estate, and may the best maximus win :P