It's very early days, but SN has made a very positive start. I saw a comment a while back about how you were considering a kind of 'readdit' styling with sub sections. I think that would be a great improvement which talks to point 3. I also think we need some kind of a pinned mission statement so that visitors know what we're about. I agree that comments are lacking, but then again, does the content (for the most part) encourage comments? What would one be commenting on, the content of a link, or the fact of the link having been posted? There's a lack of original content, rather a collection of links to external content, which is fine, if that's the SN mission, but without any organisation, the non-news content soon becomes buried; the news content is by its very nature time sensitive and as such old news will get buried, which is fine. The work that's been done thus far is very good and I know how time consuming this must be, so I hope I don't come across as over critical. I'm guessing that you have some way, in the backend, of gathering visitor stats, so you have a good idea of how many core users we have vs how many simply come and go. My point is that attracting new visitors is all well and good, but we want them to come back, so maybe addressing the first 3 points, needs to be done well before point 4. Users need a reason to come back. For me that reason is that I really don't like the toxic nature of the so called 'Social Media' platforms and I feel that here is the start of a community that (so far) is not of a toxic nature and is more about shearing what we find, with other like minded users, without having to defend what we share.
I wonder if an /r/bitcoin style "daily discussion thread" might stimulate more conversation and community. I wonder if the higher level technical posts here are intimidating to other users who may want a place to discuss some stuff completely off topic (latest MMA/boxing over the weekend, ask rando off-topic questions of the community).
I'd be very interested to learn what OPs think about 'off topic content'.